Introduction:  Google's Performance Max campaigns promised automation and efficiency, but their limited reporting challenged optimization. I used a creative, AI-powered solution to address this and significantly improve results. Problem:  After launching a Performance Max campaign for online sales, our ROAS targets still needed to be
Introduction: At Zap Group, we lacked a streamlined system to track campaign performance and website traffic. This situation created roadblocks that bottlenecked our entire organization. Situation: Time is our enemy. Marketing managers wrestled with manual data manipulation while executives eagerly awaited results. Every report request
Introduction: I took on the challenge of revitalizing Zap Group's lackluster B2B lead generation, previously managed by an external agency. I significantly improved results by internalizing the process and developing a targeted strategy. Problem:  Zap Group's sales team faced limitations due to a low volume

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Amir Scapa

Senior Digital Marketer