04 February 2024

Transforming Lead Generation: Increased Revenue and Internal Success at Zap Group

Introduction: I took on the challenge of revitalizing Zap Group's lackluster B2B lead generation, previously managed by an external agency. I significantly improved results by internalizing the process and developing a targeted strategy.


Problem:  Zap Group's sales team faced limitations due to a low volume of qualified leads, restricting growth potential. The existing outsourced lead generation efforts could have performed better.



  • Spearheaded the internalization of lead generation efforts.
  • Designed and implemented a targeted lead generation campaign across Facebook and Instagram, leveraging precise audience targeting, engaging creatives, and in-platform lead forms.


  • Generated a substantial increase in high-quality leads.
  • Achieved a 30% revenue increase directly tied to leads from the new campaign.
  • Demonstrated the superiority of in-house management and data-driven campaign optimization.


Conclusion:  This experience proved the power of in-house expertise and tailored strategies for lead generation success. It established a new benchmark for Zap Group, prioritizing internal control for better targeting and continuous improvement.


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Amir Scapa

As a digital marketing innovator, I excel at transforming challenges into actionable, impactful strategies, driving efficiency and growth. Let's connect to explore how I can elevate your brand.

phone +972 54 3979794 

email: amir.scapa@gmail.com 

Amir Scapa

Senior Digital Marketer